In this 90-minute workshop, you will learn how to:
- Connect –ask the right open-ended questions and use reflective listening to understand their perspective and motivations.
- Identify – identify the specific issue(s) that your adult child wants to change.
- Explore – explore their resistance to change and help them see and feel what change will be like.
- Plan – help them create a plan for change that is realistic, achievable, and consistent with their goals and values.
What you’ll gain:
- New communication skills – backed by years of research, proven skills that will help motivate and inspire your adult child on a path toward healthy, independent living.
- A powerful collection of skillful questions – scripted examples of what to say, and when and how to say it.
- Community – by participating in this workshop, you’ll realize that you are not alone. You’ll find support and shared understanding.
Learn skills to help create trusting relationships with the adult children in your life who are experiencing symptoms of a mental health condition. This workshop provides practical skills to help parents launch their adult children on the path toward healthy independent living.

This is a 90-minute education program for parents who provide care for adult children who are experiencing mental illness symptoms. This program is free to participants and will be facilitated by Bob Krulish.
“Bob does a great job talking and teaching about the nuances of better communication with loved ones who have mental illness. I am trying to implement some of these in our lives. Such simple concepts as listening are not so simple to practice, but Bob knows that’s one thing our loved ones really want, and it’s important to have this level of communication to build rapport and relationship and show we care.”
“All NAMI resources have been a lifeline of help and hope for our family, this workshop was incredibly helpful. Thank you!”
“This was fantastic, and it really helped my husband and I get on the same page. Thank you!”
“Your workshop should be in every Human Resource program also. This is a wonderful tool for all aspects of our lives. Thank you again. Great job!”
“There’s a lot for me to learn from these teachings. As a communication coach working primarily with speakers, I have given lots of skills training, but missed this material and approach. This approach is totally in line with my leadership coaching approach, but due to my anxiety-packed emotional relationship with my “baby” sister, I ran out of ways to communicate with her.”
“Asking skillful questions to empower my loved one to understand themselves and find solutions for themselves! I want to be a guide, a trusted advisor! For so many years the question always in my mind is how I can best help!”
“Really enjoyable content, framework was extremely snackable.”
Bob Krulish holds a national certification from the Copeland Center to teach their Wellness Recovery Action Plan Course (WRAP) anywhere in the US. He teaches Parenting with Love and Logic and is the State of Washington’s trainer for NAMI’s In Our Own Voice Program. He has served on the Board of Directors for NAMI Eastside. Additionally, Bob is certified through Dr Xavier Amador’s Henry Amador Center on Anosognosia to teach their programs.
Recently, Bob was given the John Freeburg Consumer Advocate Award by NAMI Washington, recognizing him for his leadership on behalf of NAMI Washington or a NAMI Washington Affiliate by supporting and advocating for others living with mental illness.
He is the author of When Screams Become Whispers and has developed a robust online program including webinars, written and audio content, as a pioneer in the field of mental illness. Through his work, he continues to build his platform and speak at national conferences about hope and recovery. Bob currently lives just outside of Seattle, WA.
Are you losing sleep over your adult child?
Is your Adult Child
- still struggling with their mental illness?
- still living at home?
- refusing to take medication?
- mostly dependent on you?
Do you want to see them live a happy, meaningful life?
A more independent life, with less reliance on your time, energy, and resources?
Would you like to learn the communication skills that will motivate and inspire them to do so?

Need Support Now?
Join a Family Support Group today! NAMI Family Support Groups are peer-led and are for any adult with a loved one who has experienced symptoms of a mental health condition. Gain insight from the challenges and successes of others facing similar experiences. You must be 18+ to join this group.