Join us for our Shine the Light: Suicide Prevention & Awareness Summit!
We are raising awareness, educating the public, and fostering hope by creating a community where we all come together to discuss this very serious issue. Increase your understanding of suicide, its prevalence, the risk factors and access to tools. Increase your knowledge base of factors contributing to suicide rates, approaches to suicide prevention, and other important information.
What’s Happening at the Summit?

It is with great pleasure and anticipation that we introduce our esteemed guest speaker for the upcoming Shine the Light Suicide Prevention and Awareness Summit – Sonja Wasden. Sonja, a suicide survivor with 30+ years’ of lived mental health experience, is an award-winning author, passionate mental health advocate, and inspirational mental health speaker.
Her award-winning and best-selling book, An Impossible Life, which details her struggles with mental illness, was featured on CBS This Morning as a story of hope. She has spoken across the nation with Fortune 500 firms, nonprofits, government bodies, advocacy groups, and media outlets, about the importance of addressing mental health. Sonja’s been interviewed across all 50 states. Oprah Winfrey participated in one of her mental health advocacy book clubs at the world’s largest women’s prison, Central California Women’s Facility.
Sonja is dedicated to sharing her personal mental health story in hopes of creating open, inclusive, and educational conversations around mental health.

We are honored to have many community members join us at the summit this year. This includes: Called to Love, Clark County Food Bank, Fort Vancouver Regional Libraries, Listen Line, NW CAVE, Portland VA Healthcare System, Returning Veterans Project, Teen Talk and more…

The summit’s itinerary includes an insightful panel discussion with both survivors of suicide and loved ones who have lost someone to suicide.

The evening will wrap up with a QPR (Question, Persuade, Refer) training from Jilana Nunn from Lifeline Connections. This training’s aim is to save lives and reduce suicidal behaviors by providing innovative, practical and proven suicide prevention skills.
During the event, participants can also take advantage of:
2 decompression rooms
Presence of local chaplains in plain attire, providing non-religious comfort
The Clark County Health Department will furnish us with local suicide statistics and insights, shedding light on regional trends.
An assortment of snacks and beverages

With every expression of support from you, both participants and our sponsors, we are able to strengthen our three pillars: